Prof. Dr. Hakan Sabuncuoğlu

My brief resume, my academic career, my areas of expertise and many questions you may be wondering about are explained on this page.

Short Biography

I was born in Ankara in 1965. I graduated from TED Ankara College in 1983 and Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 1991. I completed my specialty training in 2004.

I completed my specialty education at SSK Dışkapı Training and Research Hospital. Between 2004 and 2006, I worked as a neurosurgeon at Ankara Güven Hospital. Between 2003-2004 and 2007-2008, I was a Spetzler's Neuroresearch Fellow at Barrow Neurological Institute in the USA. In 2007, I came second in the Turkish Neurosurgical Association Best Spinal Surgery Research Award Competition.

Prof. Dr. Hakan Sabuncuoğlu

Prof. Dr. Hakan