Cervical Hernia Surgery and Your Business Process

Cervical Hernia Surgery and Your Business Process

When it comes to cervical hernia surgery, our patients have concerns and questions about many issues.By the way, one of the most asked questions is, "When will I be able to go back to work?"This issue depends on factors such as the type of surgery performed on the patient, how many distances hernia surgery is performed in the operation, the patient's body structure, age, work characteristics (in and out of the office, body-weighted work, etc.), and whether titanium plaque is used in the surgery.In this article, we will discuss a 45-year-old patient, male or female, who works at a desk with a computer in an office, spends almost all of his day in the office, has no other significant health problem, has a suitable height/weight ratio, has a single distance cervical hernia problem and has decided to undergo surgery.

Preoperative Process
After examining our patient and taking cervical (neck) MRI and simple x-ray of the cervical vertebrae, we make the decision for surgery.After that, we direct our patient to the external physicians responsible of the hospital where we work 1 day before the operation date and make preoperative examinations.Afterwards, our patient is evaluated by our anesthesiologist friend.After that, the patient is sent home on leave to come the next day, the day of surgery.

Operation Process
The next morning, we take our hospitalized patient to surgery in the afternoon.The operation takes a period of 2-2.5 hours as departure and arrival from the patient room.Of this period, 45 minutes before surgery is used for anesthesia and adjustment of the patient's surgical position, and 3o minutes after the operation is used to wake the patient up from anesthesia.So we can only say that the surgical process takes 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Postoperative Hospital Process
It is carried out 5-6 hours after being taken to the patient room.She starts taking her first soft food regimen after 6 hours.The night goes through very often without any problems.Only sometimes there may be difficulty in swallowing, and sometimes there may be a feeling of snagging in the throat.Our patient has breakfast the next day and is discharged after being dressed by me.

Home Process After Surgery
We recommend a non-permanent non-lying rest period of 2-3 days at home.On the 4th day, our patient can go out on the street.In the first week, we recommend a soft food regime (soup, bread, pasta, mashed potatoes, custard, etc.).

When Will I Return to Work?
We encounter patients with severe leave or report limitations at work.These patients have concerns such as being dismissed and losing their positions due to their inability to return to work in the early period.In institutions where social security rules are seriously operated, these problems should not be encountered; In a group of patients whose number is not at all small, this problem causes serious concern.For this reason, I am 10th Grade Specialist for patients who have undergone surgery for cervical hernia who want to return to work early (if they are working at a desk job).After the day, I give them permission, provided that they first adhere to a moderate work schedule.However, if our patient is not working at a desk job, for example, if he is a person who drives constantly, works in construction work or travels very often, we do not want him to start work at full performance before at least 20 days.

As a result, although cervical hernia surgery is performed in a region where there are very important anatomical structures, the postoperative process is a very easily tolerated process as everything goes as it should in surgery.

I wish all my patients a Turkey and a healthy life where they will not be worried about social security and work.

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